Portals is a genre-bending feature film anthology focusing on a series of worldwide blackouts — after which millions of mysterious objects appear everywhere across the planet. While many flee from the sentient objects, some people are drawn toward and into them with horrifying consequences.
Producer Liam O Donnell (Skylines) reached out to HaZ to ask if he would help out to direct the ending segment to bookend the anthology, but it had to be produced within a few weeks.

HaZimation's team took on the challenge and delivered a storyline that covered an angle in the anthology that had not been seen in the other segments.

Genre: Sci-fi Horror Anthology

Production Company : HaZ Film LTD / Pigrat

Director / Exec Producer: Hasraf 'HaZ' Dulull

Distributor : Screen Media

Producers: HaZ Film (Hazimation)- UK : Hasraf 'HaZ' Dulull &
Paula Crickard.

Producers (PigRat Prod / LA) - Griffin
Divine, Alyssa Radmand, Liam O Donnell

Portals VFX - Justin Martinez

Cast: Georgina Blackledge & Dare Emmanuel

Crew: John Sellings (VFX Supervisor), Colin Emerson (DP) Kate Griffiths & Jay James (SFX Makeup).

Special thanks to David Sheldon Hicks and his family for providing the location and hospitality.


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